Beach Safety

Many travellers from overseas are intent on getting a tan – and who wouldn’t with the beautiful weather the Sunshine Coast has to offer.  
Make sure you go home with just a sun tan with our guide to sun safety.
Remember the SLIP SLAP SLOP campaign:
  • SLIP – on a shirt.
  • SLAP - on the sun cream.
  • SLOP - on a hat.
Children at school in Australia know the rules – No hat, No play. Follow their rules!
Always use an SPF sun tan cream – preferably SPF30 and upwards. Especially in those first few days.
Don’t lay out in the sun and bake yourself all day, lobster pink skin really isn’t attractive and nor is looking like a sun dried tomato by the time you’re 40!
Remember the song "Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun"     
(Don’t be a mad dog even if you are an Englishman!)
Most Sunshine Coast beaches have Red and Yellow Beach Surf Life Saving Flags indicating where it's safe to swim and where you are allowed to surf.
               You should always swim between the flags.
  • The Red and Yellow flag indicate the safest swim area, it's the patrolled area. These are the most commom flags you'll find on the popular beaches of The Sunshine Coast.
  • The Red flag means DANGER do not go in the water. When you see a Red flag displayed, the beach is closed for swimming. In this case, try another beach elsewhere on the Sunshine Coast.
  • The Blue flag means board riding area for surfers. This is a safe area to ride your surfboard and is often nearby the swimming area. Please keep your surfboard out of the swimming area.
  • The Red and White checkered flag means there might be a shark in the water. Surf patrols will usually chase the shark well out to sea and make sure there are no more dangers before reopening the beach. It's not common to see this flag on the Sunshine Coast beaches, but it's good to aware of it.
  • Always read Safety Signs – Located on the beach to ensure you know any dangers ahead of swimming.
  • Speak with a lifesaver – These highly trained professionals will tell you all you need to know – seek them out they are a friendly bunch!
  • Swim with a friend – This is recommended as you can look out for each other.
In the event of finding yourself in danger attract a surf lifesaver by raising your arm in the air.
TRY NOT TO PANIC as this will only expel energy you need to keep safe.